
Delia's Canaries

Yesterday's crepes were Delia's.

The cook book was a present to Nick from his mum.

Look! It's massive!!

I will conquer it one day though.

Her recipes are all easy, which makes her a party saver.

And her stuff is more to my taste than Martha Stuart's.

The difference between English and American cooking, perhaps......

Tonight, I happened to catch her program on traditional English puddings.

Full of lemon and butter, they all look so rich and good!

But wait a sec! Every single one is yellow....


What's going on??

Finally, she brought out a desert called "Canary Pudding".

Turns out, she's a huge football fun, and even has her own team!

And the team's known as "The Canaries".

They play in yellow, of course.

That's how she ended up with "Canary Pudding".

Hmmmmmm....... Deeeeliaaaaaaa........

Well, it was fun to watch her getting excited over the yellowness of her puddings.

Wonder if she cooks them for the players.....

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