
Not Parfait, Just Ice-Cream

Look at this ice-cream!! What a size!!

It just said "Vanilla ice-cream" in the menu. Not parfait.

It's the same restaurant Rica took me to on day 2 of my blog.

Been looking forward to going back since then. Finally got there tonight.

Hurrah hurrah!!

Was so full when I finished my butter chicken curry but wanted to try the jumbo parfait-like ice-cream that Rica has been talking about.
Had almost given up on it when, joy of joys, I felt a little hole, a tiny hole, a pudding hole.
Of course, I ordered immediately. I had to have it!!

Then it came.

Oh, my my!!!

Just looking at it made me smile (and wonder about the parfait).

Aaaand only 450yen!! wow wow wow wow wow!!!

I'll be baaaaaaaackkkk!!!!!

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